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What is Digital Art?

How do I know what is Digital Art?

Digital art is a term given to artistic work that employs digital technology during the creation or presentation. For example, the digital arts are part of the animation, visual effects, and video game industries.

Digital arts were created in the 1960s, and since then, the term has gone by several names, such as computer or multimedia art. Additionally, the craft is categorized under a more considerable distinction called new media art.

Where can I find examples of Digital Art?

You can find digital art examples in several productions, and in the digital entertainment industry, digital arts include movies, TV series, video games, and animation.

For instance, visual content like a drawing, a character, or an environment with a digital creation process, are examples of digital arts. Again, any animated movie, Netflix TV series, or a painting created in photoshop is considered digital art.

What skills should Digital Artists have?

You need a variety of skills to become a successful digital artist. These skills depend on the type of media you work with and the position or specialty you choose in the Digital Entertainment industry. Some examples are:

  • 3D Modelers should have traditional and computer training
  • Concept Artists should learn how to draw and use painting software
  • 2D animators should learn how to draw and study motion
  • Effects Animators should learn how to code and Houdini software
  • Visual Effects (VFX) Artists should learn computer animation software and practical film concepts.
  • Video Game Designers should learn computer game engines and psychology to understand players’ motivation.

Is it challenging to learn Digital Arts?

Learning digital arts is an exciting, fun, and rewarding career. However, Digital artist needs to specialize in their position of choice, like Concept Art, 2D Animation, or Video Games, because each part uses an entirely different skill set.

Additionally, every tool will be new when starting to learn digitally. Computers, software, and electronic drawing tablets require that the artist has a digital mindset. And as contemporary digital artists enter the digital entertainment industries, they will recognize their strengths and the areas they enjoy the most.

Where do I learn Digital Arts as a beginner?

There are various ways beginners can learn digital arts, yet the first step is ensuring you have all the tools you need. These include a drawing tablet, computer or laptop, and software for animation, visual effects, or video games.

Beginners can decide whether they will learn on their own with FAME or attend VANAS. With FAME, beginners will have access to learning materials to learn at their own pace. With VANAS and its introduction to Digital Arts course, beginners will follow a set curriculum along with industry teachers to guide their learning

Is attending a Digital Art School a worthy Investment?

Art schools are meant to provide guidance, but aspiring digital artists must make sure the school has a good reputation. For example, schools have curricula, teachers, and the tools digital artists need to succeed, but not all schools are created equally.

So, when researching art schools, digital artists must look for programs offered, teachers, and student reviews.

How do I know if a school is good to teach Digital Arts?

When you decide to go to digital art school to become a digital artist, there are several things you need to consider before making your decision.

First, the most important aspects are the faculty and programs offered. Second, it is essential to check the school accreditations. On the one hand, there are digital art schools with great experienced teachers but without any certification.

So, while your digital art portfolio could demonstrate good skills, your studies would not be recognized. But on the other hand, there are accredited digital art schools with poor teachers without any industry knowledge.

Your academic credentials are recognized, but your digital art portfolio won’t be strong. So, make sure you look for the combination of an experienced faculty and school accreditations.

While in a Digital Arts school, what should I do to be successful?

Digital art is about creativity and letting your imagination run wild, yet you should be able to follow instructions. First, attend classes eager to learn, listen to your teachers, and complete your assignments on time. Pay special attention to the foundational course,s as these will lay out the principles for a successful career.

As the program progresses, you can apply and integrate the new techniques and tools with your ideas. It is important to remember that the teacher is the expert. Their guidance, comments, and instructions make you a better digital artist.

What are the career expectations as a Digital Artist?

To graduate from a great digital art school demands hard work but finding your first job requires determination.

Animation, Visual Effects, and Video Games are part of digital arts and are also industries proliferating. As a result, there is high demand for digital artists.

Throughout your studies, you are acquainted with various studios and positions that are an excellent fit for your skills. Also, digital art is a competitive field.

As jobs become global, your digital art portfolio will be compared to other local and international digital artists. However, there are always jobs for talented digital artists. So, focus on your strengths, be professional, and stay determined.

Do I need to travel to different countries to work as a Digital Artist?

You do not need to move to a different country to work as a digital artist, but there may be studios that require you to be on-site. For the most part, digital artists do most of their work online and remotely.

Digital Artists can work from anywhere and submit their daily work online. However, being a digital artist means that you are part of a team, and some studios will require you to be on-site to collaborate with your teammates.

Furthermore, the animation, visual effects, and video game industries, have confidential projects and are bound by legal matters to never leak any information outside the studio. In this case, the digital artists need to work on-site.

What is the salary of a Digital Artist?

Digital artists’ salaries depend on their skills and expertise but also the studio and country they are working from. Therefore, experience is a primary factor considered when weighing how much a digital artist earns. The following are the approximate salaries for different levels of digital artists.

  • Recent graduates start above local minimum wages, I.e. $15-25 an hour
  • Intermediate artists with 2 to 4 years of experience earn between $25-35 per hour
  • Senior digital artists with 5 to 7 years of experience earn between $35-75 per hour
  • Supervisors earn between $50-75 per hour

What is the career progression as a Digital Artist?

Just like every other career, digital artists can move up the ranks. However, there are two things you have to consider.

The first is the education level of senior artists, meaning that the more knowledge and skills you earn, the better you become at what you do. So, if you start with a diploma in general digital art and specialize in one area, you increase your chances of being promoted.

Second, taking on responsibilities and leadership roles play an essential part in moving the ranks. For example, a digital artist can start as just a junior artist in a firm, then become a lead artist, then an art director, and finally the creative director.

Combined leadership skills with improved skills and experience gives you better chances of being a senior artist.